Beating Hearts


I never chose to go away

I never wrote you a letter saying goodbye,

But I know that we weren’t connected

Trying to salvage a body of lies

And even though we drifted apart

The memory of our swift-beating hearts

A never-doused, unkillable spark still remains

Come speak to me

Shake the whole world so I can remember

I want to burn bright again

And blaze where there’s now just an ember

I got older and wiser while you were away

Still I mess up or see things like a child

But I’ll make an oath to you today

To stay true to all which I have inspired

And even though we drifted apart

The memory of our swift-beating hearts

A never-doused, unkillable spark still remains

Come speak to me

Shake the whole world so I can remember

I want to burn bright again

And blaze where there’s now just an ember

The Story

One of the first songs written as a band, Beating Hearts is about what it's like to want to make amends after clashing with someone you truly care for.

Studio Single (2021)
Single Instrumental (2021)
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